A Radio Amateur's Guide to Eurovision 2017

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Eurovision 2017

Dear fellow radio amateurs,

Below you will find some useful information about visiting Ukraine during the 62nd Eurovision 2017, which takes place in Kyiv, the capital city of the country.

QTH: International Exhibition Centre, subway station: Livoberezhna, locator: KO50HK, coordinates: 50.45190N, 30.59102E.

Dates: May 9th and May 11th - semi-finals; May 13th - final.

FM repeaters:

  • RU750 (R99), Kyiv city. Input - 431.775 MHz, Output - 439.375 MHz (-7.6 MHz shift), PL tone 67.0 Hz.
  • RU698 (R73), Kyiv city. Input - 431.125 МГц, Output - 438.725 MHz (-7.6 MHz shift), PL tone 88.5 Hz.
  • RU742 (R95), Near Kyiv, Input - 431.675 МГц, Output - 439.225 MHz (-7.6 MHz shift), PL tone 88.5 Hz.
  • R5, Makariv city. Input - 145.125 MHz, Output - 145.725 MHz (-0.6 MHz shift), no PL tone.

Digital repeaters:

  • DMR repeater RU752 (R100), Kyiv city. Input - 431.800 MHz, Output - 439.400 MHz (-7.6 MHz shift). 1st timeslot - TG 25501 (Kyiv) or use this timeslot to connect to other groups, 2nd timeslot - TG 2555 (Ukraine DMR/D-Star/YSF) only. Color code 1.
  • DMR repeater RU702 (R75), Kyiv city. Input - 431.175 MHz, Output - 438.775 MHz(-7.6 MHz shift). 1st timeslot - TG 25501 (Kyiv) or use this timeslot to connect to other groups, 2nd timeslot - TG 2555 (Ukraine DMR/D-Star/YSF) only. Color code 1.
  • D-Star-repeater RU746 (R97), Kyiv city. Input - 431.725 MHz, Output - 439.325 MHz (-7.6 shift). Connected to reflector DCS002U (Ukraine DMR/D-Star/YSF).

Digital hotspots:

    Low-power DMR hotspots located in several places, 438.550 MHz.
    High-power hotspot: 438.175 MHz, Vishneve city (near Kyiv).

Please see the full list of DMR repeaters and hotspots at brandmeister.network .

Echolink nodes:

    UR3CNO-L, Kyiv city, 434.900 MHz, PL tone 123.0 Hz.
    US1UM-L, Vorzel city (near Kyiv), 144.850 MHz, PL tone 67.0 Hz.
    UT4UDN-L, Kyiv city, 434.575 MHz, PL tone 82.5 Hz.
    UT4UPQ-L, Kyiv city, 438.075 MHz, PL tone 77.0 Hz.


 144.800 MHz (European frequency allocation), see https://www.aprsdirect.com/ or https://aprs.fi/ .

Radio club meetings:

Every Sunday, there is a large meeting at 14:00 taking place at the UARL Headquarters: 10-W, Soborna Street, Petropavlivska Borschahivka Village, Kyiv region (50.43753N, 30.35001E).


Please see more about the UARL. In case of a question, please drop us an e-mail to Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. Вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. .


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